How To Select Your Childs Bike
Children's bikes are classified by the size of their wheels, not the size of the frame.
Your child's first bike may be as small as a 10 inch wheel. From there, he/she will progress through 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 24 inch wheeled bikes, in many cases skipping a size here and there.
It is very difficult to pair the age of a child to a particular wheel size as all children grow at different rates. The best way to ensure you get the right size bike for your child is to bring them into store and try them on different sizes. Our fully qualified cycle staff are here to assist and advise you on these matters.
Size charts are readily available, like the one on the right but as you can see the science and accuracy of theses charts is very vague. For example, a 7 year old falls into the 16, 18 and 20 inch categories depending on their build is and the type of bike you are looking for.

Click on the links below to select your required wheel size